Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Month of May

May is going to be an interesting month. It's either going to be very positive or very negative. I'm going to face the month thinking it's going to be positive.

I'm not a political person and I don't have a preference over who should be president, however, I have to say that right now I am very happy with Bush because of this stimulus rebate we are getting. You see, I am going to do my part and use this rebate as the Prez wants me to. You see, in this positive month of May, with this rebate, I am going to buy a kiln! Right now I am very happy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What a great day!!

It's not often I get a birthday without rain, so what a treat.

Worked on beads last night and got some great spacers. The two focals were beautiful, I was so proud. However, when I got them out of the crockpot they both had cracks in them. I need to get a kiln. Hopefully, soon.

Have a great day. Enjoy the sunshine!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Last night...

I did get on the torch for a bit last night. I made another off mandrel heart for the BOC challenge. Tried something new...mixed white and dark amethyst on the end of the amethyst rod. That was fun!! It worked too. Made the heart and popped it into the crock pot of vermiculite and let it set for a couple of hours. Wouldn't you know, darn loop on the top of it broke off! Oh well, it was great practice. I'll try another one tonight.

Enjoy the beautiful today. Till tomorrow...

Monday, April 14, 2008


Just testing to see if this really works from my phone. It would be good to be able to send from where ever I am. So if you are reading this, it worked.

Have a great day. Enjoy the sunshine. I'm going for a walk!


By phone

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Here's last nights beads. This was my first time doing hearts. I am very pleased with them. I can start to see I am getting better with the torch.

First Day, First Post

Here I am with a blog. What to do now. Maybe some pics would be good.